Andy King looks back over his tenure to find that Cila's link with Fuedi has provided a vital watchdog role on EU Directives

' Regulation was the main event for Cila last year. The loss adjusters' organisation responded constructively to FSA consultation papers.

It developed and executed the inclusive membership concept and claims handling protocol with the ABI, monitored the progress of the Insurance Mediation Directive throughout Europe via participation in Fuedi, and undertook regular and ongoing consultation with the FSA and EU commissioners.

Membership of Fuedi, the European loss adjusters' organisation, provides access to the EU Commission. It is through Fuedi that Graham Cave and Tony Clack are driving the Leonardo Project, which provides funds for training claims handlers in the EU.

Without Fuedi membership we would have had no knowledge of this project or the fact that the Commission will be starting work on IMD II shortly.

It is a shame that previous regimes thought Cila should take a passive role in the development of regulation and have no involvement with Fuedi. However the hard work put in over recent years has made up the lost ground. Cila now leads much of the ongoing discussion and debate and will continue to do so.

Cila is currently leading discussions with the ABI and the government to produce a co-ordinated response to disasters, particularly terrorist attacks. A protocol has already been signed by local authorities allowing loss adjusters early access to disaster zones, recognising the important role that they play in helping order and normality to return.

Inclusive membership went live last year. Cila now has ultimate control over customer-facing employees of chartered firms, a position that insurers, policyholders and the regulator clearly expect to be the case.

2004 also saw the launch of the Faculty of Claims, a joint venture between Cila and the CII, managed by a consulting board on which we have equal participation with the CII.

Further close ties continue to be developed with the CII. Cila participated fully in the 2004 CII conference held in Birmingham. Closer links were also developed with ABI, Airmic, IRM, IUA, Biba, Lloyd's, Pool Re and other insurance organisations.

The insurance industry must speak with one voice to influencers, otherwise our messages are diluted and ignored. There is a disturbingly high level of ignorance about our industry in some places of influence. All in the industry must keep lobbying vigorously.

2004 also saw the full introduction of the new examinations and Accreditation for Chartered Status (ACS). A new examination route for those not working for chartered firms was also approved.

Another new venture was the formation of special interest groups, which has uncovered a large amount of interest and demand from members. These groups are an exciting development because they draw in many members who have not previously worked with Cila.

I have done my best to maintain and build on the momentum generated by my predecessor and, thanks to many other people , I believe we have succeeded. IT

' Andy King is the outgoing president of Cila

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