The Broker Network (BNL) has launched a new underwriting agency known as Broker Network Underwriting.

BNL Underwriting Room will house over 100 members and will establish BNL in the UK insurance industry with a combined premium income of £175m.

Managing Director Grant Ellis said: "In launching our Underwriting Room in 2000, we demonstrated our commitment to building true partnerships with the UK's leading insurers. The new Broker Network Underwriting agency takes this a step further."

Initially, the agency will offer a shops and offices package backed by AXA, alongside high net worth cover through Hiscox.

BNL hopes to offer mid net worth and small commercial combined policies by the end of the year.

Ellis added: "Broker Network Underwriting is a logical next step for the network, giving BNL and its members the opportunity to take even further control over our account.

"We firmly believe that the business we write will be more profitable than the market as a whole, due to the type of broker we recruit to the network."