Pro bono work is the “hallmark of a professional” says Hanks

The Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) wants more insurance workers to work for free in community to widen their experience and improve the reputation of the industry.

It has launched a report called "Everybody wins: Pro bono work as a hallmark of the professional" detailing how firms and insurance workers can use their skills through volunteering.

It said volunteering “should be a hallmark of being a professional, as important as passing exams, attaining qualifications, and signing up to a code of ethics”.

Hanks wants more

Chris Hanks, president of the CII, said: " We are proud to have the support of many members who are willing to donate their time and expertise but we need more professionals to get involved if we are to be able to use our commitment as a way of enhancing our reputation, attracting talent, and making a recognisable difference to society."

The CII report covers key points, including:

  • The trend of UK and US professionals to embrace pro bono work
  • Pro bono in other professions and the benefits to the practitioner
  • Examples of pro bono work at the CII and PFS
  • The future of pro bono work and the role the insurance and financial services profession should play
