Dr Ebony Andrews, diversity and inclusion communications manager at Covéa Insurance, outlines why her firm should win the Insurer Diversity and Inclusion Excellence Award at this year’s Insurance Times Awards

Ebony Headshot

Dr Ebony Andrews, Covéa Insurance

Explain briefly about your entry in the Insurer Diversity and Inclusion Excellence Award.

Thanks to our seven community network groups and annual Inclusion Festival, diversity and inclusion has been front and centre at Covéa Insurance in 2022.

For our submission to the Insurance Times Awards this year, we focused on our Pride group, as they have done an outstanding job in taking the business on a journey that has boldly explored some really challenging and thought-provoking topics. We wanted to nurture allies within the business and take action to make a real difference.

We did this by delivering an educational piece on conversion therapy and encouraging people to support the UK government’s ban of this practice, as well as offering regular drop in sessions for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) support. 

We also invited Chloe Cousins from peer support and community action group Rainbow Noir to talk about the realities of intersectionality and her experience of identifying as a person of colour and being LGBTQ+.

What do you think makes your entry stand out or different from your competition?

Our entry stands out because we are supporting our LGBTQ+ community and customers by consciously taking action, supporting our charity partner, the Albert Kennedy Trust, and working with Stonewall on the Workplace Equality Index 2023.

What would winning this award mean to you and your firm?

Winning this award would demonstrate how far Covéa Insurance has come and showcase that when we work together, we can make positive differences to peoples’ lived experiences.


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