Delegates attending last week's Insurance Times Profitable Business Growth conference in Cardiff got a little more than they expected. Around 50 cents more to be exact.
The event took place in the exclusive St David's Hotel on Cardiff's plush Bay development. The night before the conference, gangsta rapper 50 Cent and his G-Unit played the City's Arena and after the gig took over the hotel and a couple of its suites.
The following morning the scene in the foyer was interesting, to say the least. Not quite the Candy Shop, his Cent-ness sings of, as one side consisted of Reebok-clad gangbangers while the other side bespectacled, besuited brokers and insurers.
However those in the industry who did recognise him, got their chance to have pictures taken with the bullet-ridden hero.
As one delegate said: "It's my birthday!"