Insurance Monitor is a new type of analysis for UK general insurance published by Insurance Times to deliver the customer and competitor insight you need to inform decisionsand shape strategy.
Insurance Monitor No.3: First-half financial performance, turning the corner of lucky break? Analysis of the year-to-date results of UK insurers.
Subscribers can view this analysis online in the subscriber section from October x onwards. Non-subscribers can either buy a copy for £250 (click here to pre-order) or for just £499 receive a full-package subscription containing our monthly Insurance Monitor reports plus a fortnightly copy of Insurance Times, full online access, Top 50 Brokers and Top 50 Insurers reports.
Insurance Monitor No.2: Telematics In Motor Insurance, Game changer or not? In-depth research on the burgeoning topic of telematics.
Subscribers can view this analysis online here.
Non-subscribers can either buy a copy for £250 (click here to pre-order) or for just £499 receive a full-package subscription.
Insurance Monitor No.1: UK Insurer Financial Performance, Who is delivering in Commercial Lines? Expert analysis of the UK insurers’ commercial lines FSA Returns in 2012.
Subscribers can view this analysis online here. Non-subscribers can either buy a copy for £250 (click here to pre-order) or for just £499 receive a full-package subscription.
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Telematics In Motor Insurance
Game changer or not?
UK Insurer Financial Performance
Who is delivering in Commercial Lines?
UK Insurer Financial Performance
Half-Year 2013 Results
The Strategies, The Game-Changers and Near-Future Prospects