Review of court costs on Thursday may cap “no win, no fee”

Lord Justice Jackson’s review of legal costs will on Thursday urge wide-ranging reform of personal injury cases, will cut civil court cost but make smaller changes to multinational High Court cases, the FT reports.

Lawyers expect the most significant recommendations to relate to personal injury claims, which total an estimated 750,000 each year and range from car crash victims seeking compensation to patients suing hospitals and doctors, the FT said.

Lord Justice Jackson will target "After the Event" insurance and the "no win, no fee" tactics that allow claimant lawyers who win to recover a success fee from the losing party.

Cap payouts

Lawyers believe Lord Justice Jackson may cap success payouts and introducing fixed fees for car accident claims of between £10,000 and £25,000.

Dan Cutts, president of the Forum of Insurance Lawyers, said: "This would give those bringing and defending claims a much clearer idea of the legal costs involved."
