Norwich Union's (NU) overall message to brokers as conveyed in your article "NU gives brokers year-end deadline" (7 August, Insurance Times), I believe needs clarification.
While we are keen to encourage brokers to prepare in good time for their future in a regulated market environment rather than being forced into snap decisions as the deadline approaches, we are not in any way burdening them with unreasonable form-filling or bureaucratic processes. The fact is that brokers have got to decide on their futures and then make appropriate preparation. We are simply suggesting that it is good business practice to be aware of the administrative implications associated with annual policies that will run beyond January 2005.
We want to support rather than hinder brokers, and we have appointed 12 specially trained consultancy managers attached to our regions who are there to help brokers think through their longer term plans and priorities.
Ken Wallace
Intermediary business director
NU Insurance