A test case has today ruled that insurers will be forced to pay out compensation to asbestos victims with pleural plaques.

The test case judgment will mean that thousands of workers who have been exposed to asbestos over the past 50 years will be eligible for compensation.

Pleural plaques are small flat discs that form as a result of asbestos exposure on the pleura, the lubricated double membrane between the lungs and ribcage. They cause no other asbestos-related condition.

Insurers refuted the case because they are no side affects associated with pleural plaques. There were concerns that it could pave the way for more liability where symptoms are not present.

Private sector union Amicus accused insurers of “shirking” their responsibility towards the victims.

In welcoming today's ruling the union slammed the industry for fuelling the compensation culture debate to defend itself from future claims.
