Paul Cosh, of Budget Insurance, is a south Londoner living in a sitcom who (for some reason) would love to teach.

What newspaper do you read?
The Times

What career did you want to have when you were a child?
School teacher

What was the worst business decision you have ever made?
Choice of investors

What do you like best about insurance?

What would you do tomorrow if you left the insurance industry?

How do you relax if you do not play golf?

What is the biggest insurance claim you have ever made?
Non-fault write off £3,000

Who do you most admire?
Lord Winston

Do you have an unfulfilled ambition?
To play an instrument

On dress down Friday, what do you wear?
A suit – I usually forget

How many people have you sacked?
Too many – for dishonesty

What is your most over-used phrase?
Well done or thank you

What keeps you awake at night?
Being a “sitcom” – single income, two children and oppressive mortgage

What was your first job?
Computer programmer

Where did you grow up?
South London

What was your education?
University in the Seventies

What is your favourite film?
The Producers

What is your favourite book?
Catch 22

What is your favourite tea?
Anything hot and strong

What is your favourite joke?
“The one he uses for the au pair”

How did you vote in the last election?
I vote Labour but voted New Labour in the last election

Are you in favour of the Euro? Yes/No?
