In the course of the past 12 months we have seen the emergence of a worrying new trend. A number of insurers have turned down claims for a range of clients in circumstances where all or most would have been paid, in the environment that prevailed this time last year.

This applies to claims across a wide range of classes. We have seen allegations about breach of warranty, non-disclosure of material fact and policy intention, some of which have been unsustainable.

Claims handlers seem to have forgotten contra preferentum. Utmost good faith seems to have gone out of the window.

So much for Treating Customers Fairly.

We have seen insurers overturn adjusters' confirmation that the claim is valid. Perhaps other brokers might want to tell us what's the reason.

When I was a lad my old claims manager taught me that we should look for ways of paying claims. He'll be turning in his grave.

Name and address withheld
