Lord Hunt on going beyond Jackson

It was good to see former justice secretary Jack Straw and his successor Ken Clarke joining forces to condemn the work of what Straw called “parasitic claims management companies”.

In supporting much of the Jackson Review, ministers have recognised that we do indeed have a compensation culture. Their support has been secured largely because insurers have united in calling for the Jackson reforms to be implemented as a package – even if parts are not in their short-term interests.

That stance has been maintained despite opponents’ efforts to undermine the recommendations. When I look at what else could be accomplished, there is no limit to what we can achieve if our great insurance profession speaks with one voice.

The key is that the individual customer or claimant should be at the centre of the process, with their interests paramount and not subordinated to those who seek to represent them.

Lord Hunt is partner and chairman of the financial services arm of law firm Beachcroft.

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