eBroker extended to schemes outside standard quote engine.

Open GI has launched an extension to its eBroker solution which enables firms to quote online for schemes outside of the standard Open GI quote engines.

eBroker was introduced to the Open GI eCommerce portfolio in September 2007 and provides a means of trading online via Open GI’s quote engines. Integration with the core back-office ensures direct data capture and removes the need for re-keying.

eBroker for Schemes offers the same benefits, but for non standard business.

Brokers implementing the solution have the option to link their website to an existing scheme or Open GI experts can develop a completely new scheme for them.

Example products that can currently be traded include travel, pet, overseas property, personal accident and public liability. In a statement Open GI said that response from the market had been positive.

Simon Hughes, Sales and Marketing Director, Open GI, said: “Initial interest in eBroker for Schemes has been very encouraging. For brokers trading in niche markets it opens up new distribution channels and provides a method of trading via the internet whilst still having the convenience of seamless integration with the core back-office solution.

“As scheme business becomes more popular it is important to brokers that they can expose themselves to as wide an audience as possible and the web facilitates that.”

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