Three former Gan Insurance chiefs - Keith Morris, Sandy Dunn and Angus Ball - report a healthy rise in the amount of premium income handled in their first year running the intermediary BDML Connect.

Premium income has risen £10 million to £40m over the year, mainly due to rates rising in the motor market.

Much of the growth followed BDML's joint venture with Groupama Insurance subsidiary Touchline.

Previously, Touchline had been Groupama's direct arm, but Dunn believes that the switch to BDML coincided well with significantly hardening market rates.

Dunn said: "Our deal with Groupama was a very timely change for Touchline because market pricing is going up dramatically

- there has been a 25% increase in prices in 1999 over 1998."

Dunn added: "With all insurers, we are seeing the same level of increases - and it is not before time."

He claimed that, while Touchline does not have significantly more customers than it did in September last year, profitability has been increased.

A second deal that BDML secured was with UIA Insurance.

After a tender process during the third quarter of last year, BDML won a motor facility for several of UIA's trade union clients.

And, BDML handled another £5m of free insurance premium deals offered by motor manufacturers.
