Pricewaterhousecoopers has produced a new litigation support guide for forensic accountants which engage as expert witnesses.
Among the issues covered are Y2K and the potential for IT disputes.
The guide looks at the major changes introduced by the new Civil Procedure Rules and the Woolf reforms, including those affecting quantum of damages and expert evidence.
Entitled Litigation Support: The PricewaterhouseCoopers Guide to the Financial Assessment of Damages and Forensic Accounting, the edition looks at both the professional/technical and legal procedural aspects of the forensic accountant's role.
It is aimed at helping lawyers and expert witnesses understand the complete process and work effectively together to make their case.
Part one of the guide looks at how forensic accountants apply their skills to a variety of litigation and dispute cases including intellectual property and commercial fraud.
Part two serves as a general introduction to the process of dispute. It guides readers through the whole process – through the courts, arbitration and other available forms of resolution.
The guide has been written by Chris Lemar and Andrew Mainz who have between them given evidence in the High Court, the US Federal Courts, international tribunals in the Hague and Geneva, the Copyright Tribunal and the Monopolies and Mergers Commission.