I am more than pleased to see that a technical glitch in Aascent's filing of its accounts has been worthy of an article in Insurance Times (News, 30 June).
For a broker to make such ado and for Insurance Times to dedicate column inches to us on such a minor issue is rather like saying to Jonny Wilkinson: "Really good match, but did you know you have a spot on your cheek?"
I think our brokers would agree that Aascent has a tremendous reputation for the high quality of our service. When we say we will do something on time, we do it.
Except, obviously, for our accounts filing. Conspiracy theorists may be having a field-day mulling over the reasons behind our delay, but, alas, the reasons are very mundane.
But we do thank you for the attention and concern.
Kevin O'Flanagan
Managing director
Aascent Finance