Eight graduates to qualify

Loss adjuster Cunningham Lindsey has designed a new graduate training scheme to boost the numbers who gain qualifications with the Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters (CILA).

Last year only 28 people sat CILA exams in the UK, the qualification required to lead a team dealing with large and specialist claims.

Cunningham Lindsey aims to have eight graduates qualified with CILA by the end of a five-year training scheme that starts in September.

Roy Shevlin, head of Specialist Adjusting Network (SAN) at Cunningham Lindsey, said: “With the number of CILA-qualified adjusters in the UK stagnating and a significant percentage of specialist adjusters reaching retirement over the next five to 10 years, it is crucial that we ensure we can continue to provide the quality of loss adjusting we do for our insurer clients.

“We have the staff to replace those that retire in the next few years however it is the following generation that we need to train and, most importantly, provide with supervised experience.”

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