Being the best was the theme for the Chartered Insurance Institute conference last week. And it lived up to its name.

The industry's finest were there to hear some the key figures in the industry deliver a huge range of papers covering a diverse selection of subjects. And the open sessions, where the audience was asked to take part, showed that the delegates too had sound heads on their shoulders.

But the overall impression was that members want the CII to do much more. They want the CII

to give the professionalism of the industry a higher profile. The institute is already active in asking employers what they want from the CII, but individual members wanted the same questions asked of them.

Technology was a key concern, and will get greater in the coming year, but so was the prestige of the qualification. Delegates argued it should be given more prominence within the industry and, brokers at least, argued it should have a higher profile outside too.

The issue of firms becoming Chartered Insurance Brokers, just like their accountant and surveyor cousins, raised its head again.

The CII has said no so far. Perhaps, under new management, it is time to think again.
