The total 2001 year of account assets of Besso is £139,587. After liquidated and run-off business this is £60,803. The debtor figure is £111,203. After taking into account liquidated and run-off clients/insurers, this figure is £32,420. Not as stated in the Broker Top 50 supplement.

Additionally, the highest paid director earned £194,000, the total directors' emoluments were £865,000 and employee costs were £6,300,000.

Besso is now based at: 8-11 Crescent, London EC3N 2LY. Telephone 0207 480 1000. Fax: 0207 480 1280. The company's main lines of business are North American non marine, property, casualty and professional indemnity, and also international non-marine and worldwide aviation and marine.

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