The title of the article is "Is EDI the solution to the myriad of problems currently facing motor brokers?" yet there are not a myriad of problems mentioned in the article.

The one issue that was touched on briefly but not explored was IT knowledge (last paragraph). Technical advice will be as complicated or as easy as long as the process is understood at both the quote engine, gateway mapper/translator and back office system. And here lies the rub. We cannot, as an industry, expect the software houses to provide the technical advice when their process stops once the EDI message is delivered to the insurer's mailbox.

EDI is an action to a number of processes that have already taken place, these processes being rating, underwriting and forms production (statement of fact, proposal, schedule etc.).

Motor EDI is by and large being written via full cycle EDI. The statistics held by Instep will confirm this. Household EDI is growing and it would be nice to see this reach the heady heights.

E-commerce, including EDI, is key to delivering all commoditised insurance packages.

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