Riders to cover 310 kilometres through Nepal

Endorphin founder Chris Blackham has challenged members of the insurance industry to join him on a cycling challenge in Nepal to raise money for International Childcare Trust (ICT).

The riders will head off on 18 November to cycle 310 kilometres through the Himalayan foothills. The team will finish the ride at a childrens’ orphanage in the village of Beni.

Blackham said: “We cycle hard during the day and play hard at night, usually turning in for the night around midnight so we are reasonably fresh for the next day’s challenge. You will return home feeling two inches taller.”

ICT works to protect children, make sure they are educated and cares for those with HIV and AIDS.

Each rider will need to raise £3,300 for the charity. Blackham appealed to the employers of would-be riders to help, and said Endorphin would match any employers’ funding up to a maximum of £1000 per person for the first two men and women that sign up.

Anyone interested should email robert.brown@endorphingroup.co.uk.






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