The FSA has published performance figures for its service standards during the last six months.

The 'Performance Account' report provides detailed information about the regulator's service standards, its performance against them, and the measurement of customer satisfaction.

It shows that against the 62 processes for which the FSA received applications, calls, or letters from stakeholders in the six months to 30 September 2005, 76% of the FSA's service standards were met; 19% were nearly met and 5% were not met.

David Kenmir, FSA managing director of regulatory services, said: "We are pleased that over the last six months our performance against our service standards has improved significantly.

"There is room for improvement in some areas and we are working on this. In some categories we missed our target in only one case, out of the many that we process.

"It is vital to the interests of our stakeholders that we make the right regulatory decision and this means that some transactions take longer than others. Given a choice between meeting a service standard and taking more time to make the right decision, we will take more time."

The FSA also announced two new service standards, which were both introduced on 1 October. The first relates to the statutory rules governing the reuse of public sector information. The second is an additional voluntary service standard covering the variation of permission application process.