Road traffic accidents are more likely to occur in the hour following noon than at any other time of the day, a new survey has revealed.
Perhaps less surprisingly, the survey also shows that the second most common time for motor accidents to take place is during the morning rush hour between 8am and 9am.
The survey was carried out by WNS Assistance, an insurance claims management specialist. Tim Rankin, managing director WMA Assistance, said: "whatever the reason, what is certain from our survey is that high noon is the most dangerous time on Britain's roads and is becoming more so by the year. This increasing danger also applies to the morning rush hour.
"Motorists would do well, therefore, to take extra care during these two accident black spells when not far short of one in five of all UK motor accidents occur."
The survey also reveals that the safest time to drive is in the dead of night after 3am, closely followed by 4am onwards.