Firefighting training
The education and training department of the Loss Prevention Council has announced the dates for its popular one-day "Basic Firefighting and Fire Prevention" course early next year. The first course will be held on Friday, January 14 and then every following Friday until May 26 except for on three weeks. The courses will not be held on April 21 and 28 and May 5. For further information, contact the LPC training administrator on 020 8207 2345.
Stay out of the kitchen
It was too hot in the kitchen for budding chefs at the Scottish Culinary Centre Cookery School in Glasgow recently. Fire ripped through the hotel and caused extensive damage estimated at more than £200,000. Loss adjuster Miller Pycraft & Arnold is handling the claim.
New Year cover from NU
Norwich Union is manning its travel assistance and GP helplines over the millennium break along with the 24-hour claims Clubline. Some of the company's sales lines will also be available on January 2 and 3 from 8am to 4pm providing quotations for motor, household and appliance breakdown cover.
ABI cheat line's 1,000th caller
The ABI cheat line which was set up in April to allow the public to inform on people suspected of defrauding insurance companies, received its 1,000th call this week. One recent tip-off has resulted in claims worth about £2 million each being placed under investigation. "We think that in about one in four cases we have been effective," said ABI anti-fraud head Wagstaff. The ABI is now launching a new advertising campaign for the cheat line. The number is 0800 3282550.