Lloyds TSB free cover for kids
Children travel free with Lloyds TSB Insurance's latest offer on health insurance. Buyers of the company's Essential Healthcover policy this month will have their children covered free. In addition, the company has beefed up its Essential plan to include physiotherapy cover when referred to a GP, payment of initial consultation fees and a free 24-hour advice line. Essential Healthcover gives access to primary medical treatment and is one of a number of health covers offered by Lloyds which cost from £1 a day. "This offer gives families, whatever their size, peace of mind that their health is protected over the next year," said Lloyds TSB Insurance sales director Keith Gibbs.
CIS moves into critical illness
CIS Insurance is to launch into the critical illness protection market with the aim of securing 20,000 policyholders in the first year. Called the Healthcheque plan, a spokesman for the Manchester-based insurer said that now was the right time to enter what has been a controversial market in the past. More uniform guidelines, simplified policy wordings, greater customer awareness and the dropping of anti-social exclusions such as those affecting to HIV sufferers combined to make the market a desirable one to enter. CIS is anxious to find new ways of cross-selling to its 4.5 million customers for life and general insurance business. The plan can be taken out as a stand-alone product or as an add-on to term business.
NU tries to use medical fears
Norwich Union is using the current interest in the Rugby World Cup to tap into medical fears in promoting its SafeGuard Income Protection. Around 1.5 million people receive a sports injury each year with rugby's 197,000 amateur players being the most vulnerable. Yet only one in eight is likely to have income protection.
FHA launches varied web site
FHA has launched a new web site for those interested in credit insurance, bad debt protection and export and political risks protection. The web site is interactive and can be found on www.fhaplc.co.uk
Ski theft rife warns Columbus
One in ten skiers becomes a victim of theft on the piste every year, according to Columbus Direct which is promoting its "add-on" sports top-up to its standard ski product. Most travel insurance insures equipment up to a value of £500 but the sports top-up provides an additional £2,000 cover. Columbus is also advising clients to swap a ski with someone else when storing so that thieves will be unable to find a matching pair.
Healthsure's new look
HealthSure Group, which was formed when the Manchester & Salford Hospital Saturday Fund and Northampton-based Healthcare Insurance Alliance came together, has rebranded its literature.