Caravan Guard has new policy
Caravan Guard, the firm which insures touring caravans, has introduced a policy specially designed for stationary caravans. The idea is to provide insurance not just for caravans while they are in use but also while they are off the road. The key features include net premium rating, a 24-hour helpline, a 12-month replacement option and comprehensive cover with a £50 access. "We are providing brokers with a net rated policy which allows them to add a worthwhile fee to ensure they can transact this business on a profitable basis," said Caravan Guard's development manager Chris Nettleton.
Net warning in Germany
German insurers have been warned to heed the country's regulations when selling products over the internet. Supervisory office, Bundesaufsichtsamt fur das Versicherungswesen (BAV), reminded insurers that it is not possible to conclude an insurance contract solely via electronic commerce for two reasons. Firstly, German law stipulates that a policyholder is provided with writing on the main tenets of the contract. Presenting this information on screen is not valid, BAV said, because the insurer cannot be sure that the customer prints out the information. Secondly, the insurer cannot inform customers on-line about their rights to cancel the contract. This is only valid if confirmed by the policyholder's signature – but a digital signature is not enough.
Charter Mark is awarded
One of the insurance industry's main providers of information when it comes to tailoring new property-related policies has been awarded a Charter Mark by the Prime Minister. The award was made to the national mapping agency, Ordnance Survey, based in Southampton. There was special praise for its recently developed swift despatch of mapping data via e-mail and the internet.