Samaritans, Coram and FARM-Africa to benefit from £150,000 grants

Lloyd’s today announced that Samaritans, Coram and FARM-Africa will become its partner charities for 2007-2010.

Each will receive £150,000 over three years from the grant-making arm of the Lloyd’s market, Lloyd’s Charities Trust (LCT).

The LCT will support Samaritans’ “Skills for Life” project, to help young people suffering with emotional and mental healthy issues.

Coram will develop and extend the Concurrent Planning Adoption Programme, which seeks to place vulnerable babies with carers when their birth parents are unable to look after them.

FARM-Africa will use the grant to support the Household Recovery Programme in Southern Sudan, which aims to lift over 90,000 people out of extreme poverty. The programme will provide households with access to clean water, high yield seed, agricultural tools, livestock restocking and knowledge of how to care for animals.

Dominic Rudd, CEO of Samaritans, said: “Samaritans aims to protect young people from risk as well as being there for them in a crisis – it is therefore particularly appropriate that Lloyd’s Charities Trust is funding our outreach work in schools, where it is vitally needed and where it can have the greatest effect.”

Dr Carol Homden, CEO of Coram, said: “Thanks to the visionary support of Lloyd’s Charities Trust for the work of Coram’s Concurrent Planning Adoption Programme, some of the most vulnerable babies in our society will have a better chance in life.”

Dr Christie Peacock, CEO of FARM-Africa, said: “Thanks to this exciting new partnership between FARM-Africa and Lloyd’s thousands of families in Southern Sudan who face uncertain future now have the potential to improve their own lives. With the dedication and support of the Lloyd’s market, FARM-Africa can help give vulnerable families the skills to feed, clothe and educate themselves and provide their children with a more secure future.”

Nick Gooding, Chairman Lloyd's Charities Trust and Senior Cargo Underwriter, XL London Markets, said: “We are delighted to announce that Coram, FARM-Africa and Samaritans are Lloyd's Charities Trust's three new partner charities for 2007-2010. A donation totalling £450,000 will be provided to the charities over three years with the money to be used by the charities to develop specific projects with the theme of supporting those at risk.”
