More than 750,000 car owners are skipping their annual service in a bid to save money, according to Swiftcover research.

The research also found that 61% of UK car owners are looking to save money on motoring, with 9% of drivers planning to switch car insurance to save money.

33% of those looking to cut back on motoring costs will simply drive less, the research found.

The common practice of trying to save money by buying six-month tax discs instead of yearly tax discs is a false economy, according to Swiftcover.

Swiftcover claims director Robin Reames said: “A well-serviced car is less likely to go wrong, so it should go without saying that motorists should ensure that their car is properly serviced. In the long term, servicing your car is likely to save you money by keeping it running smoothly – no-one wants to hear that their expensive car problems could have been prevented by shelling out a few pounds for a service."