Mr Sharkey asks:
How can I arrange travel insurance and make lots of commission without needing to know what I am doing or checking the security to safeguard my clients?
In particular I want to avoid being regulated and paying any regulation fees or being exposed to contributions into a compensation scheme.
I do however hope to safeguard my customers in the event of insurance failure just in case they decide I am to blame and think about suing me. Can you help?
Luckily we can help you there. Why don't you set up a travel agent, which is exempt from FSA regulation, thereby avoiding fees or compensation fund contributions?
Then arrange an insurance scheme through a dubious broker that has poor security or none at all - who cares!
If your customers are disadvantaged, the FSCS will pick up the tab and pass it on to the regulated intermediaries that you have taken the business away from in the first place.
Mr Sharkey
Brilliant, but it can't be legal - who would set up such a ridiculous system?
Completely unfair to the punter, exposing them to unscrupulous buggers like me, reflects badly on insurers, and completely nutmegs the mug brokers who have become regulated!
Er... we did.
Name and address withheld