Software house Policy Master has launched its information super highway solutions for both the general and life markets.
The company claims its e-commerce solutions package will greatly improve technology available to the insurance industry. To emphasise its commitment to the market the firm has formed a "virtual" consulting group comprising its most senior staff, branded Policy Master Electronic.
The company also recently struck a strategic alliance with Microsoft and is developing digital television for CGU.
It is also well advanced on a system that uses the internet to distribute products via the intermediary channel, with access to legacy databases.
It currently has two internet systems on the market: GEMINInet and PM ONline.
GEMINInet provides point-of-sale quotation and business fulfilment for commercial and personal lines EDI, while PM ONline enables customers to question and service their policies on-line through a direct link into the intermediary system.
"We believe that electronic commerce can meet the need for a new, more cost-effective and customer-focused business model," said Stephen Verrall, chief executive of Policy Master.
"While also providing a vehicle to streamline full life-cycle policy purchase and servicing.
"We can bring to the table a combination of the right technology credentials and insurance business understanding built up over 15 years.
"This means we can help make e-commerce a highly profitable channel."
Policy Master is also seeking to develop distribution channels for newer players such as banks, building societies and retail and utility brands.