Loss adjustor agrees building validation contract

Questgates has secured a contract from Sterling Insurance for building validation.

The loss adjuster, which was added to Sterling Insurance’s adjusting panel in January 2008, has been selected as sole supplier for building claims validation following a review and pilot scheme.

Chris Brown, operations director for QGV, said: “Sterling wanted to identify not just the best solution but also one that was flexible enough to service their varied client portfolio. Having had our service tested against others before the final selection was made, we are delighted to have been successful and very much looking forward to working with Sterling’s staff.”

Garry Simmons, head of property & liability claims at Sterling, added: “QGV’s specialist team has delivered a cost effective and customer focused solution to building claims validation. Their ability to complete detailed assessments and clearly communicate findings has resulted in significant improvements to the elapsed time of claims and overall claims spend”.