Royal & SunAlliance (R&SA) is set to replace its five existing motor claim IT systems with just one

R&SA chief executive Duncan Boyle said that the claims system was due to go live next week. All motor claims will be handled by the system, which has been developed with Accenture under the company's transformation programme called "Project Monaco".

Boyle said that the single system replaced five legacy systems and would improve the efficiency of R&SA's claims handlers. He added that the system would be rolled out for other classes of business over the coming months.

Boyle said: "It looks like a proper web-generation system rather than an old-fashioned green screen."

The new claims system includes rapid response teams. These teams would handle first notification of loss and often be specialists in the area of the claim.

R&SA expected the system would reduce the number of times brokers and customers would have to call or be called by R&SA in the history of one claim.

The aim of the programme was to cut claims settlement times in half within three years. 'Non-express' claims would be routed directly to specialist teams.
