Motor claims are often a lot of old bollards, finds claims handling company Town & Country, which has released a top ten.

It finds the most popular motor claim is for colliding with stationary objects, such as walls and bollards, which accounted of 15% of claims.

In second place was third parties hitting clients from behind (9.4%), followed by the client returning the favour to a third party (7.7%).

The fourth most common claim was the client's car being hit by an unknown third party (6.2%).

In joint fifth place were the client reversing into a third party and the client hitting an unattended third party vehicle (5.7%).

The seventh most common claim was a third party hitting the client's unattended vehicle (3.2%).

Next came third parties reversing into the client's vehicle (3.1%).

Inconsiderate third parties also fill the final two places, in ninth place they were turning across the client's vehicle (3.0%) and in tenth place they were emerging incautiously from sideroads (2.3%).
