RBS Insurance today reported end of year profits of £862m, a 43% increase from 2003's declared £609m.

Aided by the first full year contribution from Churchill, acquired in September 2003, the company saw income from insurance premiums rise by 58% to £4.94bn, from £3.12bn in 2003.

Excluding Churchill, profits increased by 13%, while net insurance premium income grew by 17%.

Net claims totalled £3.48bn, up from £2.2bn last year, a 45% increase.

UK motor insurance policies rose in number by 252,000 to 8.34m, while non-motor policies in the UK totalled 10.9m, a hike of 401,000.

Total income for RBS Insurance was up 52% to £4.93bn, a rise of £1.69bn.

UK combined ratio was 93.7%, 2.5 points down on the previous year.
