Wellington Underwriting timed the launch of its web-based UK terrorism cover this week to perfection – the day the headquarters of MI6 was bombed.

The website allows brokers to obtain quotations and policy wordings on the internet.

Wellington launched its private terrorism cover in the UK as an alternative to Pool Re – the collective insurance company for terrorism cover when most of the major players pulled out due to the IRA bombings.

The insurer is now using ecommerce technology to develop a new portfolio of products, the first of which is the broker support site.

Brokers can obtain a firm quotation automatically on completion of a brief, straightforward questionnaire and standard wordings with full coverage options.

Managing director Julian Avery said: “We are delighted to be able to offer the first in a series of internet-based, specialist insurance products.

“We believe that this represents the future standard for our business as it allows us to demonstrate our traditional commitment to service and product innovation as well as our willingness to improve on these values.”
