Local authorities need to introduce greater measures to deal with flooding

Local and central government need to start planning ahead to cope with the likely increase in flooding in the UK, a leading insurance expert says.

Professor David Crichton will tell a conference in central London this Thursday, that climate change will mean storm and flood hazards will almost certainly intensify, and strongly warns against any further building of new houses on flood plains.

He urges local authorities to introduce measures to reduce the vulnerability of their communities to flooding.

Speaking at the event organised by the accountancy body CIPFA, Professor Crichton will warn sewers and drainage systems are currently being overloaded through large-scale new developments, leaving them unable to cope with future severe rainfall.

Professor Crichton will say: “Much needs to be changed. Society could start by using some common sense to make the right kind of changes to reduce vulnerability in the face of the increasing hazard and exposure from climate change. Major policy changes will be needed to try to move people away from the exposed population centres in low lying areas.”