Insurance Times' online game, Virtualia, has once again proved a smash hit with over 800 people taking part.

This year's winner was Edward Beckwith from Lloyd's syndicate, Markel (formerly RE Brown).

Beckwith was one of 48 underwriters who managed to survive the duration of the game without losing any money.

Beckwith's name was then drawn at random to become the winner of a case of champagne courtesy of Insurance Times.

Virtualia's worst underwriter came from Colonia Baltica. He or she managed to lose a staggering £11,185,500.

Among the many risks to have hit participants was a revenge attack on golf star Indy Bunker's testicles for sleeping with members' wives.

Next up, the palace of Haramas Haraha was mysteriously burned down at a cost of £2.5m.

In week three the foyer of Virtual Victual sustained massive damage, costing the hotel £150,000 with £550,000 of damage to nearby offices.

In the final week, a project to provide bottled water from a melted ice berg cost unwitting underwriters £2m.

Insurance Times Fantasy Football
