Guy Browning takes a sideways look at insurance jargon
R is for
Ratification - What happens to your expensive new hair do after a sudden downpour
Realty - PG Tips as opposed to fruit tea rubbish
Receiver - Bit of the phone you pick up to speak into
Rectification - Process by which plain English is turned into insurance speak
Reducing Option - Salad
Rejection Risk Insurance - Getting your friend to ask if someone fancies you
Replacement in Kind - When your friend goes out with the person you fancy
Rescission - Botched circumcision
Retrocession - Seventies night at the club
Risk - A dietary aid combining a rusk and a rice cake
Risk assessment - To look at a risk and then decide you'd prefer a Jammie Dodger
Roller reinsurance - Cover for hairdressing salons
Run-off statement - Letter from your wife describing her new life with the milkman