Worldwide GWP for 1998 (000s):

Worldwide GWP for 1998 (000s):

Chief executive:
Dr Wolfgang Peiner (chairman)

Year company established:

Address, telephone and fax numbers of European head office:
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Ring 6719
Koln 50672
Tel: +49 221 3080

Key insurance personnel:
Dr Wolfgang Peiner (chairman)
Dr Hans Löffler (deputy chairman)
Dr. Reinhard Blei
Werner Görg
Dr Gerd Meyer
Dr Herbert Schmitz

Company History:
Parion describes itself as a "defensive alliance" between the Gothaer Group, the Asstel group and the Berlin-Könische Group. Formed in 1997, it has about 4 million members and claims to be one of Germany's largest insurers.

Main classes covered:
Life assurance

Major insurance subsidiaries:
Gothaer Group
Berlin-Kölnische Group
Asstel Group

Worldwide net written premium for 1998 (000s):