What are the big stories hitting the headlines this week?


Ex-justice secretary Jack Straw’s 10-minute bill to reform motor insurance regulation ran into the sand this week after the government objected to its further progress through the House of Commons.


AIG-owned Chartis has restructured itself into three regional groups: the Americas, Asia and Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA). Chief financial officer Robert Schimek has been named EMEA chief executive officer, with current Europe head Lex Baugh becoming chief risk officer.


AXA and ACE are battling to buy HSBC’s Holdings Plc’s non-life insurance operations, while QBE is considering a bid for the business, according to Bloomberg.

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The High Court has approved US broking group AmWINS’ acquisition of Lloyd’s broker THB. It takes the deal, struck between the two brokers last November, a step closer to completion.


Talbot Underwriting chief executive Rupert Atkin has been appointed the new chairman of the Lloyd’s Market Association. He takes over from Barnabas Hurst-Bannister next Wednesday (1 February).

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