Worldwide GWP for 1998 (£000s):

Worldwide GWP for 1998 (£000s):
£909,135 (1997: £836,214)

Chief officer:
Dr Siegfried Sellitsch (CEO)

Address, telephone and fax number of European head office:
Schottenring 30
1010 Vienna
Tel: + 43 1 531 390
Fax: + 43 1 535 3437

Company History:
Established in 1824 as the Wechselseitige k.u.k. priv. Brandschadenversicherungsanstalt
1839: Austria's first life assurance company, the Allgemeine Wechselseitige Capitalien- und Rentenanstalt, opens for business.
1898: The company is reorganised broadly into its present structure.
1934: Health insurance operations open
1992: The group's insurance operations are consolidated under the present name, and a majority stake in Montanversicherung is acquired.
1994: First public stock offering
Parent: Wiener Städtische Wechselseitige Versicherungsanstalt - Vermögensverwaltung
Key Personnel
S Sellitsch (chairman)
G Geyer (vice chairman)
F Lauer (vice chairman)
K Fink (industrial and reinsurance)
H Jaindl (life, health and personal accident)
R Lasshofer (sales and marketing)

Lines of business:
Life and Pensions (35%)
Property, Non-Motor (23%)
Property, Motor (19%)
Health (18%)
Casualty (4%)

Principal shareholders:
Wiener Städtische
Wechselseitige Versicherungsanstalt- Vermögensverwaltung
Bank Austria

Principal subsidiaries:
Donau Allgemeine Versicherungs-Aktiengesellschaft (75%)
Montanversicherung Aktiengesellschaft (78.5%)
Volksfürsorge Jupiter Allgemeine Versicherung-Aktien-Gesellschaft (47.7%)
CA Versicherung (50%)
InterRisk (45.8%)
Kooperativa Poistovna a.s. (Slovakia) (87%)
Ceska Kooperativa Poistovna a.s. (Czech Republic) (82.3%)
Moravskoslezka Kooperativa Poistovna a.s. (Br¸nn, Austria) (83.2%)
Gloria Biztosio-Swiss Life (Hungary) (49%)
Heros (Hungary) (69.7%)

Worldwide net written premium for 1998 (£000s):

Worldwide net written premium for 1997 (£000s):