New policy to offer eatieries broader protection

Broking group Aon has launched a new restaurant contamination insurance policy which it says offers greater protection of restaurants' reputations than previously available on the market.

According to the broker, traditional restaurant protection policies provide cover for restaurant franchisors and chains if national, regional or online media report an actual or alleged case of food contamination or tampering. The Aon product provides this traditional protection as well as offering cover for public health scares that may occur.

Aon’s Restaurant Contamination Insurance provides cover even in the absence of an alleged or actual contamination or tampering - for example if an article appears in the media suggesting the ingredients in a chain or franchise’s food are not healthy for consumers and could lead to health problems.

The policy is designed to provide financial payments to cover loss of profit or to mount a counter-PR and marketing campaign in such circumstances.

Also, should a violent, hostage or hijack situation occur at the restaurant involving either staff or customers, Aon’s Restaurant Contamination Insurance can provide compensation for loss of profits and media relations costs under its Insured Security Crisis endorsement.

The policy also provides pre-incident planning to determine the risks a company faces and develop detailed crisis management plans.

“While it is not yet possible to insure the intangible value of a brand, Restaurant Contamination Insurance gives chains and franchises the assurance that if a contamination does occur they have the plans in place to deal with it from a risk management perspective, and the funds available to fight any media attention that may ensue," said Christof Bentele, global managing director of Aon’s product recall and contamination team, in a statement.