AXA Personal Lines managing director of claims Tony Peppard is leaving the company along with two key lieutenants.

Peppard, who was only appointed to the role at the beginning of this year following a wider restructuring of AXA’s personal lines business, is joined by Gerry Ward, Technical Director (Claims) and Neil Hopkinson, Finance & Business Support Director (Claims).

All three were based in Tunbridge Wells and joined AXA in 2009 when AXA subsidiary Swiftcover acquired the claims handling company SIMS, which they had founded.

Peppard is replaced as Managing Director, Claims by AXA PPP customer service director Victoria Georgalakis. She is currently sharing her new and previous roles, transferring officially on 18 July.

Her current role, which she has filled for the past five years, combines day-to-day management of claims, member services and telephony operations with the overseeing of off-shoring management and long term service strategy.

AXA Personal Lines CEO Steve Hardy said: “We are very sorry to see three valuable members of staff leave. We wish them all the very best in the future as they leave to pursue other interests.”

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