Natasha Catchpole has over 20 years experience at Ark, QBE and XL

Appoint, join, new, hire, woman, appointment

CFC have hired former Ark underwriter Natasha Catchpole to build a new product recall focussed underwriting team.

Catchpole, who has over 20 years experience in the London insurance market, held previous roles at QBE and XL insurance as an underwriter.

She spent three years at Ark Syndicate Management, underwriting product recall business specifically.

CFC says that it has seen product recall risk increase ‘exponentially’ as regulatory standards have increased.

CFC underwriting director Andrew Holmes said: “We believe there are tremendous opportunities for CFC to build a new line of business, blending this cover with some of our existing products as well as creating standalone cover.”

“Food and beverage companies and have ever more stringent obligations. Mistakes will inevitably occur and the lack of adequate product recall coverage can have devastating consequences. Natasha has extensive experience in this class and we’re looking forward to welcoming her on board to help us develop a profitable new niche area.”

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