The hunt is on for the 2005 Young General Insurance Professional of the Year...
The CII is on the hunt for the 2005 Sheikh Abdullah Foundation Young General Insurance Professional of the Year.
The award, sponsored by Sheikh Abdullah, is designed to recognise the skills, achievements and commitment of young professionals working in the general insurance market. The winner receives a £3,000 prize along with a ticket to the UK Insurance & Financial Services Conference.
This will be the second year the award has been made. Last year's winner was James Barwell, a strategic business development manager with AXA. Four other entrants were also highly commended from a total of 82 entries received.
Entrants to the award must be 30 years old or under at August 31, 2005, be a member of the CII, or have studied towards/completed any of the CII's general insurance examinations in the last three years.