Sara Ager, chief executive of GreenKite Associates, highlights why her firm should take home the Business Partner of the Year accolade from 2022’s Insurance Times Awards

Explain briefly about  your entry in the Business Partner of the Year category.

Sara Ager Photo new 2022

Sara Ager, GreenKite Associates

This category reflects our ethos as a company.

For GreenKite Associates, being a trusted, valuable and supportive partner is at the very core of everything we do.

We stand alongside our clients, offering wide-ranging, strategic support to underpin their goals and we collaborate honestly, to develop lasting solutions they can own.

This is evident by the outcomes we achieve for our clients, what they say about us and by our continuing, deepening partnership with firms like Anansi.

What do you think makes your entry stand out or different from your competition?

At GreenKite Associates, our outlook and approach is different. We are proud to say it is less about what we do and more about what we don’t do.

We don’t dictate the way forward, nor do we walk away with all of the knowledge. We don’t simply observe or set false expectations. We don’t force a one-size-fits-all approach.

For us, the work isn’t about our success - it is about our clients’ successes and the value we bring them.

What would winning this award mean to you and your firm?

Winning Business Partner of the Year would not only be recognition for our whole team approach, but also of our solid commitment to fostering meaningful relationships with our clients and our ability to provide real value over the long term.