Want to win £3,000? You could, if you take up a challenge to brokers from Rarrigini & Rosso (R&R) to celebrate the launch of 24 7 on... you guessed it...24/7/02.

The company is offering prize money totalling £5,000 - £3,000 for the first prize and two runners-up prizes of £1,000 each.

The competition will be open to all brokers in the UK with premium income below £100m per annum.

Contestants will be invited to submit 500 words maximum on what they consider to be the three biggest challenges facing commercial brokers, and how they should be addressed.

The best entries will be chosen by R&R chief executive Julie Rodilosso and Insurance Times editor Andy Cook , based on originality, wit, vision and passion.

The winner will be announced on 25 July 2002. Send entries to Insurance Times, 30 Cannon Street, London EC4M 6YJ or email them to andy@instimes.co.uk .

Insurance Times Fantasy Football
