Rebecca Conway's article (Features, 29 September) raises a number of interesting issues and provides an excellent insight into the value of household legal expense insurance.

However, I must take issue with her final paragraph and in particular the question of pricing.

Ms Conway has highlighted the particular issues facing underwriters and the increasing awareness, frequency and costs associated with a number of areas of claim.

Pricing must however be a major consideration for the underwriter. Net rates are unsustainable as they stand at present.

The breadth of cover and quality of legal advice that the customer quite rightly expects does not come cheaply, particularly in areas such as clinical negligence and employment.

The discussion must surely centre on a long-term sustainable offering for all parties - insurer, intermediary and customer - and to avoid cutting quality to keep pricing down. Otherwise the only people who will suffer will be the end customers.

Now didn't I hear something about Treating the Customer Fairly?

David Vine
Business development manager
Allianz Cornhill Legal Protection

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