The institute and Biba have agreed to explore the possibility of a joint conference, but ...

The CII's ambition of unifying the industry's annual conferences is understood to have moved a step closer.

The institute and Biba have agreed to explore the possibility of a joint conference, but that any such event would be several years away.

However, Cila is much close to agreeing a joint conference with the CII - possibly next year.

A joint CII and Biba conference is unlikely to happen in the immediate future owing to practical difficulties, said CII deputy president Andy Homer.

"Biba's pursuit of trade issues is not something that concerns the CII," he said. "Biba has separate interests and constituents - you must remember this."

Homer also referred to the way that the two conferences were funded as a further obstacle to be overcome.

"Biba is funded by insurers who underwrite the cost of attending brokers. That funding arrangement couldn't transfer to a joint conference," he said.

"The idea that we would not work together is silly. It is just a matter of detail and timing."

Homer added that it would be two or three years before a joint conference took place.

Biba chairman Mike Williams said: "There are logistical issues that cannot be resolved. The conferences are set up six months apart. There are differences in the audiences and business requirements.

"In principal it is a good idea. Biba is working more closely with the CII, but we started talking about [a joint conference] too late."

Homer said a joint conference with Cila was more likely. "It is expected that we will work more closely with Cila and there is a possibility of a joined up conference. That will need to be agreed after this year."

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