BIBA calls for age exemption but government signposting
The British Insurance Brokers' Association (BIBA) response to the Government Equalities Office's consultation on ending age discrimination demands signposting to help older travellers and motorists find insurance
BIBA is seeking a tailored exception allowing for age to be used in insurance rating provided that it is proportionate to risk and costs.
Graeme Trudgill, BIBA's technical and corporate affairs executive, said: "BIBA members are able to offer access and availability to fairly priced insurance to consumers of all ages. We do not believe there is a market failure for older or younger people seeking insurance, particularly travel or motor.
Extensive search
"We believe that a problem in obtaining insurance occurs because consumers do not know where they can obtain appropriate cover. It is not reasonable for consumers to have to search extensively and therefore we believe it is extremely important that the government supports a system of signposting consumers to suitable protection from an appropriate insurance broker."
Peter Staddon, BIBA head of technical services, added: "BIBA's signposting system is already operational and helps more than a quarter of a million consumers every year. BIBA completely oppose unfair age discrimination and supports a system of proportionate risked based pricing, which is fair to everyone."